Report calls for recommitting to the expansion of the preschool program.
Author: Eloisa Hernandez-Ramos
Good news for young children
An additional $25 million was included in this year’s state budget to expand preschool to more of New Jersey’s 3- and 4-year-olds! But Christie has since diverted $5 of those funds. Learn more.
Why rehabilitation is far better than jailing youth
Too many youth get locked up without receiving effective treatment in their communities. Rehabilitation and prevention yield far better results.
#NJVotes4Kids update
ACNJ’s #NJVotes4Kids campaign is in full swing! Most recently, we highlighted several key topics: juvenile justice, child protection and child nutrition. Help spread the message!
ACNJ calls for increased transparency more funding to protect littlest victims
Send tweets to the gubernatorial candidates, telling them that transparency and adequate funding are key in ensuring the safety and well-being of our most vulnerable children.