Author: Eloisa Hernandez-Ramos

Take Action: Urge Governor Murphy to sign the child care enrollment bill S2478/A4177.

GREAT NEWS! The S2478/A4177 Child Care Enrollment bill would extend the duration of a law requiring certain provider subsidy payments for child care services to be based on enrollment. And now, it is headed to the Governor’s desk… Urge Governor Murphy to say “YES” to small businesses, working families and their children by signing A4177/S2478 […]

ACNJ 2023 Annual Report

Thank You to Our Supporters As we reflect on this year’s achievements, and look to opportunities ahead, we know our wins for children would not be possible without our many supporters and partners. 2023_11_22_ACNJ_annual_report Download 2023 Annual Report Photos From 8th Annual Breakfast Celebration Highlight Video, Reflecting on 2023 and Recognizing Senior Policy Analyst Cynthia […]

Take Action: Urge Leaders in the Legislature to Support Bills A4819/S2887

Facebook Twitter Linkedin Urge your leaders in the legislature to provide ALL New Jersey families the resources and services needed to successfully raise their children from before birth to adulthood. Limited employment opportunities, insufficient and substandard housing, unsafe and unhealthy environments, inadequate and remote essential services –these overlapping conditions cultivate family distress and are prevalent […]

Did you know that New Jersey preschoolers are being expelled from public schools against the law?

Facebook Twitter Linkedin By Jake Moore Policy Associate For more information on this topic contact Jake at New Jersey passed legislation in 2016 to make expulsions and suspensions of preschoolers in publicly funded classrooms against the law, except in certain circumstances. However, both remain major issues facing our youngest children.  Beginning in 2005, studies […]

ACT NOW: Families Need Child Care and Child Care Programs Need Help from Washington!

Facebook Twitter Linkedin Tell Congress to prioritize children and families, ensuring child care funding as they make decisions on federal appropriations this week. The federal COVID funding for child care that expired this September, kept the child care industry in business throughout the pandemic, allowing programs to continue to provide critical learning opportunities for our […]