New Jersey’s economic recovery shows us how essential child care teachers are in supporting working families and educating the minds of young children. They are “the workforce behind the workforce.”
Author: Eloisa Hernandez-Ramos
Find Your Roar Advocacy Training
Parent, guardian & grandparents of children 0 to 5 your voice matters! Network and bond with others that share your same issues to help make change for babies in NJ.
New Jersey Kids Count 2020 Race Data
Find the latest race data by county on: Population Ages 0-19 Years Children Living Below the Poverty Level Babies Born Low Birthweight Women Receiving Early Prenatal Care Children and Youth in Out-of-Home Placements Youth Admissions to Detention View report
WEBINAR: Attunement and Resiliency in the Midst of Uncertainty
A discussion of how professionals supporting families can recognize and tune in to their own needs during these changing and uncertain times – especially when they themselves are working parents.
New Jersey Households with Children are Hardest Hit by COVID-19
Census Household Pulse Survey helps provide a snapshot of key economic, health, nutrition, education and housing indicators for families.