Posted on March 10, 2025

Asw. Shama A. Haider, Chair
Asm. William W. Spearman, Vice Chair
Members of the Assembly Committee on Children, Families and Food Security
FROM: Mary E. Coogan, President & CEO, Advocates for Children of New Jersey
DATE: March 10, 2025
RE: A4365, that will establish the Council for Community Recovery and Family Success in, but not of, the Department of Community Affairs
Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) thanks this committee for providing the opportunity to offer comments in support of A4365, that will establish the Council for Community Recovery and Family Success in, but not of, the Department of Community Affairs. The 25-member Council will develop strategies to strengthen families before they need assistance due to distress. The bill appropriates $4.0 million from the General Fund to the Council to implement the provisions of this legislation.
In order to implement the Statewide initiative, the Council will establish community recovery and family success councils in each county to develop an integrated service planning and delivery system that promotes community connections, and preventive services to ensure financial security, quality education, health, safety, and permanency for infants, children, youth, and families in that county.
ACNJ appreciates the goal of establishing community recovery and family success councils in each county based upon an assessment of need and county readiness, giving parents, community leaders, local government, and non-profit service providers the authority to identify and fund programs and services that will enrich their communities and enable families to thrive. The local service plans, designed by the county and communities they serve, and approved by the state-level Council, are a promising step towards more targeted investments that support prevention and success, ultimately improving social and economic outcomes for children and families. The assistance from the state Council through the development of community-informed family success outcomes measures and objectives will help ensure the success of the county councils.
ACNJ asks this Committee to support A4365.