Posted on February 28, 2022
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Infant and Toddler
Child Care Providers:
Fill Out Our Brief Survey
During the Month of April and Be Entered
for a Chance to Win $500!
Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) is conducting a survey to learn more about the availability of center-based infant-toddler child care in NJ. The findings will help advocates and policymakers better understand the issues and challenges of providing this type of child care and identify potential supports that could assist centers in serving this population. With the help of data and stories from providers like you, ACNJ has been able to successfully advocate for increased investments in child care.
The survey is to be filled out by licensed center directors and should take approximately 8 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey during the month of APril by clicking here. If you are the director of multiple centers, please complete one survey per center. All respondents will be entered into a raffle to win one of ten cash prizes of $500.00.