Building a Better Future Begins with Investing in our Children and Families

This 2025 Election campaign season, we must ensure that candidates for Governor and the General Assembly put children’s issues at the top of their agenda. What happens in this election will determine outcomes for the nearly two million kids who call New Jersey home.

#NJVotes4Kids Gets Candidates Talking About Children

It’s time to elevate the voices of kids!

Imagine the possibilities when we invest in New Jersey’s future: nurturing the whole child from birth through adolescence, with learning environments that meet their academic as well as social and emotional needs.

Join the #NJVotes4Kids Campaign to raise awareness of children's issues and help shape the focus and priorities of those elected to the legislature in November.


What about the kids logo outline

Let's ask our future lawmakers where they stand on kids issues. Check out ACNJ's Voter's Guide.


May 20 - Voter Registration Deadline for Primary Elections
Jun 10 - Primary Elections
Nov 4 - Election Day


Learn who are the candidates for your district, their email and social media contact information.

What Voters Can Do

Email your candidate. Ask "What about the kids?" Use Kids Count data to help them become better informed on the state of children in New Jersey and share with candidates the key issues affecting infants and toddlers.

Challenge the 2025 political hopefuls to bring children’s issues to the forefront during forums, town halls and local events.

Use #NJVotes4Kids on social media to join the conversation on making children’s issues a priority in the state elections.

Encourage your friends, family and colleagues to join the #NJVotes4Kids Campaign.

What Candidates Can Do

Ensure every working family in New Jersey has access to affordable, high-quality child care.

Prioritize racial disparities and improve Black maternal and infant health outcomes.

Ensure that best practices that address the whole-child in schools are expanded and sustained.

Be a true champion for children. Speak up for kids on the campaign trail.


For over four decades, Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) has been the trusted, independent voice for children across the Garden State. ACNJ is non-partisan and accepts no state funding for advocacy, giving us the freedom to speak up for children who have no voice and no vote. Our only agenda is putting the needs of children first.