ACNJ Birth-to-3 Advocacy Training/Events

ACNJ Fall Advocacy Training
Become an advocate for infant and toddlers.

Attend one of our trainings this fall. Click on one of the locations to learn more and register.



ACNJ Summer Advocacy Training Institute
Learn how to be an effective advocate for New Jersey's babies!

  • 7/24 -Newark
  • 8/1 -Trenton
  • 8/2 -Camden

Learn more, download flyer

Enroll today!



Babies Count, A New Jersey Kids Count Report

ACNJ will release its first-ever Babies Count data report. This Kids Count report will focus on New Jersey’s children from birth to age 3, highlighting data surrounding the need for children to have strong families, healthy starts and positive early learning experiences.

Report Release
Monday, July 30th at 1:30 p.m.
Newark, New Jersey
Click here to register.



Strolling Thunder New Jersey

Our first rally for babies was a success! On May 21st, Advocates and families from across NJ strolled in front of the State House to let Governor Murphy and the Legislature know it’s time to make our youngest children a higher state priority. We want them to #ThinkBabies when they are making decisions.

Learn more about the event, view pictures and news coverage.




Cradle to Kindergarten Roundtable

Advocates for Children of New Jersey held Cradle To Kindergarten: A New Plan to Combat Inequality book signing and panel discussion on January 29, 2018. The roundtable discussion was informative and thought provoking.  View handouts, video and photos of the event.

As a lead partner in New Jersey’s Right from the Start campaign and a proud partner of the national ZERO TO THREE Think Babies campaign, ACNJ is working to promote enriching early experiences and a strong foundation for development from the start. Read about our partners

Visit to learn more about the critical importance of the early years of child development, from birth to three.
Learn more about the critical importance of the early years of child development, from birth to three.

Think Babies Logo
Learn more about the national issues affecting children.