Parents, ready to reimagine child care?
The moment is now. Through the American Rescue Plan, combined with the previous federal aid packages, New Jersey is expected to receive nearly $1 billion in federal aid for child care. This can be game changer for families in need of child care, especially for babies.
Lawmakers need to hear from parents. At this year's Strolling Thunder NJ event, parents from across the state joined together to develop recommendations on how state leaders could use the federal child care funding to help working families. Stay tuned for the recommendations.
State Leaders and Lawmakers
Unlike many developed nations, the U.S. does not fund child care as a public good. Instead, families are forced to grapple with the high cost of care as providers struggle to operate on razor-thin margins. It's time to create a child care system that benefits us all.
New Jersey parents want you to know how they #ReimagineChildCare for working families and urge you to #ThinkBabies when making decisions.

Program Agenda
June 9, 2021
00:00 - Welcome
03:15 - Child Care Parent Roundtable with Joanna Gagis, NJ Spotlight News Correspondent
22:08 - Words from New Jersey Senator Teresa Ruiz
29:41 - Words from Parent Advocate Naome Dunnell
32:48 - Words from New Jersey Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez
38:52 - Information about NJ's Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs)
40:39 - Wrap Up
View footage from past Strolling Thunder New Jersey events
At StrollingThunder New Jersey 2018 leaders were asked to Help Be a Hero for Babies!
The compelling voices of StrollingThunder New Jersey 2019 tell leaders what babies need.
Check out our first virtual StrollingThunder New Jersey 2020.