Posted on February 2, 2023

Posted 2/02/2023

By Alana Vega, Health Policy Analyst
Spread the Word about the Increased NJ SNAP Benefits Ending
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Legislation Introduced to Increase Minimum Monthly Threshold to $95
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, families have received increased monthly NJ SNAP (sometimes referred to as food stamps) benefits. As of March 2023, these increased benefit amounts will end, and families will begin receiving their usual monthly SNAP allowance. The minimum amount NJ SNAP families will now receive per month will be $50. Individuals or households who previously received less than $50 in benefits, will receive an additional payment to bring their total benefit amount to the $50 threshold. New Jersey is the first state to institute a minimum monthly SNAP amount.
Some have referred to this upcoming change in benefits as a “hunger cliff” because many families will face increased challenges in affording food, especially amidst rising inflation amounts. According to the USDA Consumer Price Index for Food, 2023 food prices are expected to increase by 7.1% over the year prior. The NJ Legislature has responded to these concerns by advancing two bills: Assembly bill 5086 and Senate bill S3491. These companion pieces of legislation would raise the minimum monthly NJ SNAP allotment to $95.
More than 300,00 New Jersey children benefit from NJ SNAP each year. After years of steady declines, NJ SNAP usage increased in 2020, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join Our Friends at Hunger Free NJ to Advocate for a Higher SNAP Benefit Minimum
On February 2nd, the State Senate will vote on legislation to increase the state SNAP monthly minimum benefit to $95. By supporting this bill, we can make it possible for seniors, people with disabilities, and all struggling New Jerseyans to put more fresh, healthy food on their table, providing a better quality of life for our residents.
Ask your legislators to support A5086/S3491 by visiting Hunger Free NJ at