Thank You Sponsors
Your support helps us work to give every child a chance to grow up safe, healthy and educated.
2021 Sponsorship Opportunities
All sponsors will receive recognition in ACNJ 2021 Annual Report, logo representation on breakfast communications and at breakfast events. Select below to see the benefits for each sponsorship level.

NJ Association for Infant Mental Health (NJ-AIMH) and the Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE) ♦ Lorraine D’Sylva-Lee ♦ Sara Thom & Marc Hanes ♦ Mary E. Coogan ♦ TD Bank ♦ Alan and Cecilia Zalkind ♦ Stuart and Rita Grant ♦ Lawrence Fundler ♦ Brett and Susan Flynn Family Fund ♦ New Jersey YMCA State Alliance, Inc. ♦ Justin Kiczek ♦ Valerie Mauriello ♦ The Turrell Fund♦ Rick Meth
Vin Gopal Civic Association ♦ Princeton Public Affairs Group ♦ The Concord Advisory Group, LTD ♦ Paterson Alliance Inc ♦ Greater New Brunswick Day Care Council ♦ Law Office of George M. Holland, LLC ♦ Robert and Mary Sterling ♦ Steve Clayton ♦ NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking ♦ Acenda Integrated Health ♦ Partners for Health ♦ Newark Trust for Education ♦ Gail Houlihan ♦ NJAEYC ♦ Gerard Thiers ♦ Charles Venti ♦ United Way of Central Jersey ♦ Complete Document Solutions ♦ Robert & Rose Acerra ♦ Montclair State University-College of Education and Human Services ♦ NJ State Firefighters Benevolent Association ♦ Forrester Family ♦ José Carlos Montes ♦ New Jersey Citizen Action♦ Stark (Dillard) Kirby
Sponsorship Form
Your support helps us work to give every child a chance to grow up safe, healthy and educated.
2021 Sponsorship Opportunities
All sponsors will receive recognition in ACNJ 2021 Annual Report, logo representation on breakfast communications and at breakfast events. Select below to see the benefits for each sponsorship level.

NJ Association for Infant Mental Health (NJ-AIMH) and the Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE) ♦ Lorraine D’Sylva-Lee ♦ Sara Thom & Marc Hanes ♦ Mary E. Coogan ♦ TD Bank ♦ Alan and Cecilia Zalkind ♦ Stuart and Rita Grant ♦ Lawrence Fundler ♦ Brett and Susan Flynn Family Fund ♦ New Jersey YMCA State Alliance, Inc. ♦ Justin Kiczek ♦ Valerie Mauriello ♦ The Turrell Fund♦ Rick Meth
Vin Gopal Civic Association ♦ Princeton Public Affairs Group ♦ The Concord Advisory Group, LTD ♦ Paterson Alliance Inc ♦ Greater New Brunswick Day Care Council ♦ Law Office of George M. Holland, LLC ♦ Robert and Mary Sterling ♦ Steve Clayton ♦ NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking ♦ Acenda Integrated Health ♦ Partners for Health ♦ Newark Trust for Education ♦ Gail Houlihan ♦ NJAEYC ♦ Gerard Thiers ♦ Charles Venti ♦ United Way of Central Jersey ♦ Complete Document Solutions ♦ Robert & Rose Acerra ♦ Montclair State University-College of Education and Human Services ♦ NJ State Firefighters Benevolent Association ♦ Forrester Family ♦ José Carlos Montes ♦ New Jersey Citizen Action♦ Stark (Dillard) Kirby