Posted on July 19, 2024

By Shadaya Bennett
Senior Legislative Analyst
For more information on this topic, contact Shadaya at

What is the State Budget
After months of deliberation, New Jersey's Fiscal Year 2025 State Budget was officially passed by the Legislature and signed into law on June 28th, just ahead of the constitutionally mandated June 30th deadline. This annual policy measure is crucial as it dictates how the state will fund essential programs that serve New Jersey residents, including policy and funding measures that impact quality of life for children, families, and communities. This year, the budget process was notably influenced by funding constraints which challenged lawmakers, stakeholders, and advocates in their efforts to effectively allocate and advocate for limited resources. In the end, the final budget is set to appropriate $56.6 billion in state funds and $27.5 billion in federal funds of which will be used to operate the state for the next fiscal year.
What is in the Budget for Kids
The State Fiscal Year 2025 Budget includes several investments that impact New Jersey children. From measures to mitigate food insecurity and address mental health amongst children and adolescents to investments in early childhood education, these provisions highlight a collective commitment to investing in the development of New Jersey’s youngest residents. Examples of measures in the budget that impact children and families include:
- $482.5 million for child care enrollment-based subsidy payments
- $124 million to fund existing public pre-k programs
- $908 million in direct aid to schools, fully funding the school aid formula
- $3 million for the Community Schools Pilot Program Fund
- $7.2 million for literacy initiatives
- $7 million for SNAP and School Meals Dual Enrollment Pilot Program
- $924.5 million for School Breakfast and Lunch Programs
- $23 million for Statewide Universal Newborn Home Nurse Visitation Program
- $30 million to expand the mental health workforce and provide services for children and adolescents
- $43 million for the NJ Statewide Student Support Services Network (NJ4S)
- $1.5 million for Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) - Legal Services for Unaccompanied Minors
Budget Advocacy and Engaging in the Process
Advocates for Children of New Jersey participated in the state budget process, advocating for investments in the child care infrastructure and to bolster the state's preschool mixed delivery system to ensure children have access to high-quality early childhood education. Like ACNJ and other stakeholders, New Jersey residents can also engage in the process to influence how resources are distributed to their communities and support causes they care about.
Members of the public can start by contacting their state legislators throughout the year to make their voices heard. Legislative hearings, including state budget proceedings, are also open to the public and they provide an effective way to observe legislative activity. During designated hearings, the public is allowed to testify on legislation including the state budget, affording an opportunity to highlight to the Legislature individual and organizational investment priorities. Additionally, becoming informed through engagement with organizations or coalitions that advocate for issues of interest can further amplify one’s impact.
By staying informed about legislative proceedings and the budget timeline, citizens can effectively contribute to shaping policies that impact their daily lives. With ample time to prepare for the fiscal year 2026 budget process, which tentatively begins in February 2025 when the Governor delivers the annual budget address, now is the perfect opportunity to start getting involved. For more information on how to engage in the legislative process, connect with representatives, and stay updated on proposed legislation, visit the state legislative website.