Having your child be bullied, or having your child accused of bullying, can be an overwhelming experience for a parent. Staff Attorney Nina Peckmen offers a brief overview of the Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) laws in New Jersey public schools, as well as gives guidance to navigate the process.
Category: Education Videos
Learn About Student Rights Regarding School Discipline in New Jersey
Presentation Expand Click here to download the presentation. Helpful Resources Expand Discipline Manual ACNJ’s Basic Guide to Special Education New Jersey Statutes and Regulations and Department of Education Guidance Record Appeals U.S. Department of Education Compilation of New Jersey Discipline Laws and Regulations
Special Education and the Role of the Parent (Spanish)
Students in special education are entitled to high school transition services as part of their IEP program to prepare them for life after high school. This presentation for Spanish-speaking families explains the kinds of services that are available and their rights regarding the implementation of these services.
Special Education and the Role of the Parent
Students in special education are entitled to high school transition services as part of their IEP program to prepare them for life after high school. This presentation explains the kinds of services that are available and their rights regarding the implementation of these services.
Compensatory Education and the Impact of COVID-19
Many New Jersey students are still experiencing academic and behavioral challenges related to the impact of COVID-19 mandated school closures and the ongoing challenges schools are facing to meet the diverse needs of their students. This presentation provides an overview of the issues and how parents can advocate for appropriate education services due to learning loss, including compensatory education rights.