Today ZERO TO THREE and partners across the country will tell Senators to Think Babies and Act!™ when funding programs for babies and families.
Category: Budget Advocacy
What an amazing time for NJ children!
What an amazing two weeks for child advocacy – more money for preschool in Governor Murphy’s proposed budget, bills addressing chronic absenteeism as well as access to school breakfast on a fast track in Trenton and a celebration of the 20th anniversary of Abbott preschool. Plus – it’s official! ACNJ is part of the national Think Babies campaign.
Another State Budget that Shortchanges Young Children
Failing to expand state-funded preschool is not the state’s only shortcoming. Child care subsidies, which help low-income families work, have not increased since 2008.
ACNJ highlights on proposed NJ FY2018 Budget
Read about budget items that affect children.
Remind Congress federal programs help NJ kids everyday.
Over the next week (February 20-24), New Jersey’s U.S. Representatives will be back in their home districts to hear from you and members of your community!